Saturday, February 3, 2007

How Do You Mend a Broken Voice(box)?

Went to PartyWorld at Park Hotel yesterday night after a super long day at work. Initially we booked a room for 10pm, which was then pushed to 10:30, then 11, then 11:30 and would have been pushed later had D.Law not dropped all 5 of us off in town in his Honda Jazz. Good thing that none of us are obese (like the many U/M screenees that came that evening). D.Law was worried that his car's suspension would spoil under our combined weight but i assured him i would help him zhng his suspension if that were to happen. And Ming Wei chose to wear his No.3 out to town and karaoke...I think he must really want people to know that he is a Navy CPL so for the remainder of this post i will refer to him as CPL Fan.

4 Stooges
CPL Fan tries to maintain his professional image in his No.3 uniform while everyone else is busy making fools of themselves. Thankfully i am on the other side of the camera.

Our karaoke session started slowly cause i think everyone was a little shy about singing out loud. At first we booked the room for only 3 hours but when we neared the 3 hour mark we decided to extend another hour cause we were so into it. CPL Fan suggested that for a big finale we would all choose one song to go solo in the last half hour (after we all had lost whatever voice we had) to decide a "绝对SuperStar" winner. For the record no verdict was returned after the session (in fact no one was even designated as judges) so i don't know who won the contest. But anyway we took video of each of us singing so you can make your own decisions. Comments from myself about the singer below each link:

M01 - Ee Wei singing "一首简单的歌"
Ee Wei must have thought that the song title literally meant that the song was simple to sing. It sounds damn hard to me. Much like how he likes to fake people with his cock and bull story, throughout the night he was trying to fake us into singing the wrong key for every song that we duet-ed with him.

M02 - CPL Fan singing "我可以"
I think CPL Fan must have taken it to heart after D.Law warn him not to do anything to disgrace the Navy in his No.3 uniform as he sounds rather serious while singing this song.. If i am not wrong he chose this song 3 times tonight...Apologies to CPL Fan cause i kept mumbling in the video background.

M03 - Me singing "退后"
My voice is flatter than my tummy throughout. My chinese pronounciation is worse than rojak. My body movement is super stiff. Alot of the lyrics that i couldn't read i just mumbled through. This performance is so bad that Herbert had to ask "why no one clapped?" at the end. Ee Wei was trying to distract me by saying that Hebe act cute in the video but i think he pitied me after hearing my singing so he stopped his crap. Ok, i think i insulted myself enough.

M04 - Wee Kim singing "Only Love"
Wee Kim thought he would stand out to the judges better(if there were any) by choosing
an English song while everyone sang Chinese songs. But i guess he didn't know that you were supposed to sing only Mandarin songs on ""绝对SuperStar"..Thus, automatic disqualification..

"M05 - Herbert singing "温柔"
Herbert can falsetto his voice into a range that i think i can reach by screaming when someone kicks me in the groin area, as evident by his truly entertaining rendition of "One Night in Beijing". He was supposed to be contestant M01 but he got saboh-ed by Wee Kim (paused his song) and CPL Fan (skipped his song and put him last instead) so i think that threw his rhythm of during the Finale.

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