Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Making Myself Busy

So i didn't go to the Japan Embassy today as i orginally planned, or to Kinokuniya (my Plan B) to buy books but i sure as hell kept myself busy today doing (as usual) rubbish.

First thing i did was to accidentally erase my blog's template HTML and suprise! i didn't save a backup of it. Alex found a cached version of my site on Google and sent me the HTML, which of course didn't work, but i used it to track down the site where i originally downloaded the template from (
here, because i forgotten where) and so if you noticed, the template's (almost) back up. Of course there are some changes to the sidebar (no blame/prizes if you can't/can spot them) and i'm still in the middle of deciding what i should put (back)on it. Lost my bowling score tracker though...

Since i was redoing my template i added something right at the bottom of this page. It's an Erika Toda photo browser! As of tonight i have uploaded 117 photos to it so feel free to browse through it if you have nothing to do, or if you need to show a friend who Erika Toda is.

Despite the hiccup, i managed to make a slight progression for Ja-plan, namely i signed up at
Flickr for a year plan so that i have a place to upload my photos to when i'm in Japan. Why Flickr and not Photobucket (the online album site i've been using all this while) you might ask? What sold me what the interface of Flickr and also the fact that you can map your photo (that is drag them to locations on a map to show where you took them) which will be handy when i'm in Japan.

Plans for tomorrow: Follow my dad to the new house to speak to renovators-> Go to Kino to buy 'Avengers Disassembled" and any Erika Toda mag i can find. Plan B is to meet someone who wants to buy my One Piece Comic, but hasn't contacted me back to confirm the time/place as of now (2:06am).

Found this very interesting show; Bleach Saien (Bleach Rock Musical) which is a live action musical on the first SS arc of Bleach. Looks very interesting, and most of the male actors they picked look spot on for the role. As for the females, well there's Rukia, Orihime and Hinamori and on first impression only Orihime looks 'alright' (but as someone on a forum observed, "Where's the package?")

Can you sing 'BLEACH'?

If it's any good i'll post some screenshots and character comparisons after i watch it.

Strangest thing that happened today was me pulling a back muscle while reading the newspaper. Don't ask me how. Still feeling a little sore now.


Anonymous said...

eh ... did you remember the last time you pulled your back muscle?? table tennis???

Gabriel Chin said...

havent touched a TT bat in a long while...i think my muscles are starting to rot..