Sunday, December 2, 2007

Won't die if you don't try

For that wickedly explosive taste, try some Afghanistan Pomen-grenades! Only 49cents/100grams!
Just walking through the supermarket today made me realise how many fruits and vegetables i have never tasted before. Off the top of my head, i have never tried eggplants, zucchini, persimmons, those bombs pictured above etc before. Makes me realise how swakoo i am.
But am i really missing alot in terms of taste? Even if eggplants became extinct(?), I'm sure i won't look back and think, "Man, i should have tried them when i had the chance!"


Alex Logan Lee said...

Finally you've found pomegranades! Remember there was one time I tried to show you in the supermarket but it was not on sale.

Gabriel Chin said...

they look like giant onions..