Friday, June 15, 2007


Today is my week ORD anniversary, and despite bowling terribly yesterday and this afternoon, i didn't think today was totally shitty until half an hour ago. (I'm writing this at 0330 in the morning..)

Basically i saw this car on Forza with a gorgeous looking Suzumiya Haruhi design on the bonnet, and a beautiful looking Mikuru Asahina and Nagato Yuki on the sides (the car was a Nissan 350Z), which i knew i JUST HAD TO HAVE (the things these Forza artists can do simply astounds me).

So i bidded. And bidded. And the bidding went up to 3.5 million game credits (which was everything i had earned so far in Forza in 40+hours) and as we were nearing the 3 million mark i already had this sinking feeling that i was not going to get the car. It's difficult to describe how utterly devastated i felt when i saw the auction resolve and the car go to someone unknown (probably a Japanese otaku...that bastard).

If i happen to see him and that car online i will be sure to bury them both in the gravel trap. I'm so seriously depressed i don't think i will be able to fall asleep tonight until this feeling washes over.

I want my Haruhi car!!

1 comment:

Alex Logan Lee said...

It is only virtual stuff. Get over it you sicko!