I was gonna write about some incident that happened at City Hall MRT but the more i thought about it as i typed the more i realised how petty i am. So i'm not going to describe what happened but all i will say is that it involved 1 (quite)cute girl, 1 ugly guy and myself. Ok, end of story.
Bought 5 2nd hand X360 games today for $210.:
1. Gears of War (going to sell this off ASAP since i already owned and sold it before)
2. Call of Duty 3
3. Saints Row
4. Marvel Ultimate Alliance
5. LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth II (disappointingly doesn't support keyboard and mouse)
So i will probably be sufficiently occupied/entertained this weekend.
Bought 5 2nd hand X360 games today for $210.:
1. Gears of War (going to sell this off ASAP since i already owned and sold it before)
2. Call of Duty 3
3. Saints Row
4. Marvel Ultimate Alliance
5. LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth II (disappointingly doesn't support keyboard and mouse)
So i will probably be sufficiently occupied/entertained this weekend.
But before starting those games i want to complete Lost Planet (X360) since i'm on the 2nd last mission already. The novelty of blasting insectoid alien after alien is starting to wear thin and i will sell this off once completed while it's still a new release. What i will say is that Lost Planet is very challenging without being frustrating even on the Normal difficultly. No way will i play this game on Hard or Extreme. Other games pending for myself are Okami (just started) and Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria (halfway through).
Chionged through Pride episodes 5 - 11 (end) yesterday night till 3am. It's no big secret that i am a Kimura Takuya (Halu) fan and this series didn't disappoint. I have not watched a Takeuchi Yuko (Aki) drama until this one but i instantly became a fan of hers overnight. She may not look that pretty or young (as Erika Toda) but her character and acting was very sweet and moving. And she has such a very cute way of talking and smiling. Gonna try to find more of her dramas soon. This may be a romance drama but if you're like me and hate long mushy romance scenes in dramas then I highly recommend this series, and even more so if you are a Kimura fan. Good news too if you are a Queen fan. This series has loads of Queen song, the best used one with the ongoing scenes IMO being "Too Much Love Will Kill You" (ep 11).

Halu (Kimura Takuya)
P.S: I have an extra gallery ticket to the Singapore vs Malaysia match this Saturday. Anyone care to take it off me? F.O.C. I'm going with my family by the way.
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