Friday, February 23, 2007

The Sore Feet Post

Both movies (see post below) i watched today sucked. Tenacious D was amusing for the first 15mins before it started to get really really lame and unfunny. And watching Kyle Gass and Jack Black baring their bottoms wasn't exactly a pretty sight. The songs were shitty as well. "Greatest Movie Of All Time" my ass.

Ju-On 2 was as bad as part 1. Even D.Law was wondering why no one wanted to run away from Kayako instead of just backing into a corner and crying/screaming. And please learn to turn on the lights when entering a spooky house or room. The scriptwriter has got to come up with more believeable human reactions to the scenario. As such the only thing that's scary is how dumb everyone in the movie is. And Ju-On's poster child Toshio irritates the shit. I wonder what's supposed to be scary about a over-powdered kid who makes irritating sounds for no rhyme or reason. He sounds like any young children i know. At least float around or do a 360 head rotation so that people will know you are supposed to be a ghost.

The poster child for Johnson and Johnson powder.
You can tell how much Toshio's mother loves him by the amount of baby powder she applies before he goes out haunting.

Dinner at Cafe Cartel with Alex (finished a Crispy Combo meant for 3 people) and we went for a walk around BP to digest the food and talked about our favourite Mushishi episodes (among other things). I'm surprised i forgot to tell him about the live action Mushishi movie that's coming out in March. However from comments that i've read about the initial screening at a film festival i think i shouldn't get my hopes up for the movie.

Joe Odagiri as Ginko.
Tanyuu and Ginko
Aoi Yuu as Tanyuu(from episode 20).

Anyway the stories that look to be covered (from the pictures) in the movie are Episode 3 "Tender Horns", Episode 7 "The Rain Falls, A Rainbow Forms" , Episode 12 "The One-Eyed Fish" and Episode 20 "A Sea of Brushes" from the anime. There might be more that are not revealed. I passed the entire anime series to Ee Wei and Gavin last time but i wonder if they have watched any of the episodes. I think i wasted 2 DVD-Rs.

Bought/borrowed the following shows in preparation for next week at work: "Way of Blue Sky", "Yamato", "About Love", "Umizaru" and "Umizaru 2: Test Of Trust (or Limit of Love)".

Way Of Blue Sky $4 BoughtYamato $10.90 BoughtAbout Love $5 Rented
Umizaru 1 $16.90 BoughtUmizaru 2 $16.90 Bought


Alex Logan Lee said...

Actually, you did told me. Maybe it was not enough?

Gabriel Chin said...

senior citizens got poor memory?