Friday, May 4, 2007

Back to the Future

Went to IMM yesterday to look at more furniture. I didn't know that the majority of the upper storeys were dedicated to furniture retailers. And unlike Ikea or Novena, they don't sell stuff off the shelf, the furniture can be customised to a certain extent. Amazingly i managed to decide on almost all my room items on that 1 day, and even more amazingly my father actually agreeded with my choices for once! Last thing i'm missing for my room is a 2-seater sofa bed, probably will get that at Ikea. Maybe when i tell people about what i'm planning to do for my room it may sound like boasting, but from my POV i'm just plain excited: after 22 years of sharing a room with someone i'm finally going to have my own space. Sweet peace and privacy is within my grasp!

Drama: Liar Game Episode 3

This will sound redundant but yes, i really like this series so far. And believe it or not, it's not just only because Erika Toda is starring in it. The story is very intriguing as well. And furthermore every episode ends on some sort of cliff-hanger (albeit a very short cliff) and makes me all excited to watch the next one (incidentally episode airs tonight 11pm in Japan). Too bad the episodes are so short (36 mins) and a good 5 mins of it is spent on recaps at the start, previews at the end and the OP for the show.

Look at me when i'm talking to you!

The episode picks off where the previous one left off, with 'Jigsaw' about to explain the rules of the 2nd round. Among the 22 of them, 1 person will be randomly chosen to ask a question that can be answered with only 'Yes' or 'No'. Then all 22 will have to submit a ballot with their answer. The people who chose the answer in the minority advances to the next round where the process is repeated.

A trial round is held for the contestants. The question posed is, 'Are you a woman?'. Nao does a count of the women in the room and there's only 9 of them, so she's confident that balloting a YES will see her in the minority. Of course, she doesn't understand the concept of lying so naturally she loses, with the majority of the votes for YES. The LGT announces the real game will commence tomorrow.

Worried and unable to sleep, Nao approaches Shin'chi for help to get her out of the game. Shin'chi tells her to go grab intel from the other contestants as to why they decided to come to the 2nd round. He then devises a plan so that 8 of them will manage to get through the game without being in debt. The integrity of the plan hinges on the trustworthiness of the 8 people and that after 1 of them eventually wins, he/she will split the money with the others.

I run to you for your help and you want me to play chess?

Nao eagerly goes to find 6 more male volunteers who she deems trustworthy (she's probably the worst judge of character)and the next day of the game they put their plan in action. (The question asked is, if you could go to the mountains or the sea, would you prefer to go to the sea?) Seeing the voting results later on which follows too perfectly to his best case scenario plan, Shin'chi suspects that there is a traitor within their group. EPISODE END

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